Fort Bourtange (Vesting Bourtange)
Restoration, rebuilding and renewal of fortifications, buildings and streets. The town developed in an entrenchment built from 1580 - 1593. In 1960 the town was run down, the fortifications were not longer existent. Public and private initiative, rebuilding of the disappeared ...
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Project details
Restoration, rebuilding and renewal of fortifications, buildings and streets. The town developed in an entrenchment built from 1580 - 1593. In 1960 the town was run down, the fortifications were not longer existent. Public and private initiative, rebuilding of the disappeared fortifications, five bastions with the curtains between them, two ravelines and a crownwork, the cleaning of the original streets and the pentagonal market place, pulling down inappropriate structures, restoration or renewing of a great number of houses. Nowadays the community is lively and visited by thousands of tourists.
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