Reg.Nr. HA-2005/UK/01

Heather and Hillforts Landscape Partnership Scheme

Landscape scale project developed with the aims of integrating the conservation and restoration of the heather moorland and Iron Age hillforts and of reconnecting people to the uplands and increasing their enjoyment of its heritage through education, events and audience ...
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Project details

Title:Heather and Hillforts Landscape Partnership Scheme
Entr. year: 2005
Country: United Kingdom
Category type: a study or the results of research
Building type/ Project type: cultural/natural heritage
The Jury's citation: "For an integrated analysis of a cultural landscape of exceptional aesthetic, historical and biodiverse value, and for the development of a management strategy reconciling conservation, recreational use and agricultural interests"

Landscape scale project developed with the aims of integrating the conservation and restoration of the heather moorland and Iron Age hillforts and of reconnecting people to the uplands and increasing their enjoyment of its heritage through education, events and audience development. Areas of research identified were landscape character, heather moorland condition, hillforts condition, people's perceptions, access. The results are summarised in a landscape character study, landscape strategy, access and audience development plan, training plan and business plan.