Reg.Nr. 93/BE/002

Bourla Theatre (Bourlaschouwburg), Antwerp

The magnificent old opera house could be saved only because of a flexible and creative application of the safety codes. The main challenge in restoring was to reach the delicate compromise between the conflicting demands for monument preservation, safety norms, modern theatrical ...
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Project details

Title:Bourla Theatre (Bourlaschouwburg), Antwerp
Entr. year: 1993
Country: Belgium
Town: Antwerp
Category type: architectural heritage
Building type/ Project type: Building for cultural activities
Former use:Opera house
Actual use:Opera house, restaurant
Built: 19th century
Architect / Proj.leader: Pierre Bruno Bourla, Architect , Herman de Winter & Herman van Hunsel, Architects (Antwerp - BE)
The Jury's citation: "For the scrupulous restoration of the theatre, the harmonious renovation of the entrance hall and the preservation of the original theatre machinery still intact and functioning"
GPS:51°13'10.0"N 4°24'8.9"E
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The magnificent old opera house could be saved only because of a flexible and creative application of the safety codes. The main challenge in restoring was to reach the delicate compromise between the conflicting demands for monument preservation, safety norms, modern theatrical needs and building in to-day's necessary technical equipment as discretely as possible. The house had a remarkable mechanical theatre equipment, which had to be improved to modern standards. The entrance hall was reorganized revealing the massif original columns and demolishing some later constructions.