Reg.Nr. 95/GE/13

Rastatt Castle, Belétage

The Beletage is located in the main building of Rastatt Castle. The castle was constructed between 1698 and 1705 under margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden. In 1697-98, he commissioned master builder Domenico Edigio Rossi with the design of the castle. It is the first of a whole ...
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Project details

Title:Rastatt Castle, Belétage
Entr. year: 1995
Country: Germany
Town: Rastatt
Category type: architectural heritage
Building type/ Project type: residential building
Former use:Chateau
Actual use:Museum
Built: 17th-18th century
Architect / Proj.leader: Domenico Edigio Rossi, Architekt , Staatliches Hochbauamt I, Karlsruhe
The Jury's citation: "Für die außergewöhnlich behutsame, konservatorisch vorbildhafte Instandsetzung, Restaurierung und Nutzung eines historisch und kunsthistorisch höchst bedeutsamen Baudenkmals von europäischem Rang"
GPS:48°51'32.6"N 8°12'16.2"E
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The Beletage is located in the main building of Rastatt Castle. The castle was constructed between 1698 and 1705 under margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden. In 1697-98, he commissioned master builder Domenico Edigio Rossi with the design of the castle. It is the first of a whole string of great baroque residence castles in Germany, and its construction was completed in no time. lt is a closed plant, with one main building and two sidewings, arranged as a horse-shoe form, castle chapel and stable. The castle was affected neither by significant constructive changes nor by war damage. But for its maintenance substantial redevelopment and restoration work was required. The renovation of the betétage in the main building began in 1976 and was completed and opened for museum purposes in 1989. The ftrst objektive target combined with the renovation was to preserve the historic valuable holding of the castle.