Reg.Nr. HA 2001/IR/07

Restoration of Lyons Demesne, Celbridge

ln 1996 Lyons Demesne was in close to ruinous condition, having been abandoned for five years, and previously having been used as an Agricultural College for thirty years. The structure consisted of three separate decaying buildings, the interiors were in bad condition, and the ...
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Project details

Title:Restoration of Lyons Demesne, Celbridge
Entr. year: 2001
Country: Ireland
Town: Lyons Hill, Celbridge (County Kildare)
Category type: architectural heritage
Building type/ Project type: residential building
Former use:Country house and estate, Agricultural College
Actual use:not specified
Built: 18th century
Architect / Proj.leader: Oliver Grace, Architect , De Blacam and Meagher Architects (Dublin - IE)
The Jury's citation: "For the comprehensive restoration of one of the great houses of Ireland and the rehabilitation of its garden and park, and for the meticulous cleaning and restoration of the Gabrielli murals"
GPS:53°18'4"N; 6°32'42"W

ln 1996 Lyons Demesne was in close to ruinous condition, having been abandoned for five years, and previously having been used as an Agricultural College for thirty years. The structure consisted of three separate decaying buildings, the interiors were in bad condition, and the Iands and formal gardens were unkempt. The enormous project of restoring the demesne involved re-roofing, replication of windows, floors and plaster-work. One of the most amazing achievements was the discovery and restoration of the Gabrielli ceiling. The dream of retuming this national Georgian heritage to its former glory as a country residence has come true.