Reg.Nr. 87-B/11

Royal Academy of Music of Mons

Restoration of a former monastery built 1619 - 1670, which is in use as an academy of music since 1820.
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Project details

Title:Royal Academy of Music of Mons
Entr. year: 1987
Country: Belgium
Town: Mons (Wallonia)
Category type: architectural heritage
Building type/ Project type: Religious building/memorial
Former use:Monastery
Actual use:Academy of Music
Built: 17th century
Architect / Proj.leader: Jean Pierre Saintenois, Architect
The Jury's citation: "Pour Ia fidele restauration d'un ancien couvent du XVII siècle, transformé en academie de musique"
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Restoration of a former monastery built 1619 - 1670, which is in use as an academy of music since 1820.