Reg.Nr. 85-A/08

The Church of the Cistercian Abbey Stams

Monastery church of Stams was built in 1248 as Romanesque pillar basilica, rebuilt, and adapted to the baroque style between 1729 and 1732. Architecture classical example of transition from late Baroque to rococo. The Monastery church features stuccos, ceiling and wall frescoes, ...
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Project details

Title:The Church of the Cistercian Abbey Stams
Entr. year: 1985
Country: Austria
Town: Stams (Tyrol)
Category type: architectural heritage
Building type/ Project type: Religious building/memorial
Former use:Abbey church
Actual use:Abbey church
Built: 13th century
The Jury's citation: "Für die Wiederherstellung des eindrucksvollen Innenraums aus der frühen Barockzeit"
GPS:47°16'39.8"N 10°59'3.7"E
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Monastery church of Stams was built in 1248 as Romanesque pillar basilica, rebuilt, and adapted to the baroque style between 1729 and 1732. Architecture classical example of transition from late Baroque to rococo. The Monastery church features stuccos, ceiling and wall frescoes, sculptures and 16m high altar conceived as tree of life built between 1609 and 1613. Apart from artistic value, church of historical interest as crypt contains tombs of sovereigns who ruled Tyrol in Middle Age. Claimed to be one of the outstanding works of ecclesiastical architecture in region of Southern Germany and Austria. After having suffered serious damages and looting (during Nazi time and during the occupation of the Allied Forces) the building has been restored in an exemplary way during the past 10 years.