Reg.Nr. 90/CH/001

The Foundation Pro San Gottardo, National St. Gotthard-Museum

Restoration and adaption of the "alten Sust"-"Vecchia Sosta" (Old Inn), a former customs facilities, inn, depot for carriages and horse stable into the National St.-Gotthard Museum including a restaurant, conference rooms, post office, a cafeteria and souvenir's shop. The point ...
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Project details

Title:The Foundation Pro San Gottardo, National St. Gotthard-Museum
Entr. year: 1990
Country: Switzerland
Town: St. Gotthard, Kanton Uri/Kanton Tessin
Category type: architectural heritage
Building type/ Project type: Government/Public building
Former use:Inn, customs facilities, depot and stable
Actual use:Museum, restaurant, post office, souvenirs shop
Built: 19th century
Architect / Proj.leader: Domenico Fontana, Engineer , Alberto Finzi, Architect (Massagno-Lugano - CH)
The Jury's citation: "Für die Wiederherstellung und Restauration eines für die Schweiz symbolisch wichtigen Passes und seiner Gebäude".
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Restoration and adaption of the "alten Sust"-"Vecchia Sosta" (Old Inn), a former customs facilities, inn, depot for carriages and horse stable into the National St.-Gotthard Museum including a restaurant, conference rooms, post office, a cafeteria and souvenir's shop. The point at which the four linguistic and cultural regions of Switzerland meet, the St.-Gotthard massif is one of the most important places in this country. The road traversing it has always been the most rapid transit route between the North and the South of Europe. This is the reason why it was decided in 1982 to create the National St.-Gotthard Museum. At the summit of the great Alpine pass, at an altitude of 6900 feet a museum that is unique in its kind.