Reg.Nr. 82-H/03

Hungarian Open-Air Museum, Szenna

Reconstruction of transferred original buildings. The existing Calvinist church of Szenna, a small Transdanubian village, has been restored. Around it, relics of the historical folk architectural tradition have been brought from other areas, where they had no chance of being ...
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Project details

Title:Hungarian Open-Air Museum, Szenna
Entr. year: 1982
Country: Hungary
Town: Szenna, Somogy County
Category type: architectural heritage
Building type/ Project type: Agricultural building/structure
Former use:Rural buildings
Actual use:Open-air village museum
Built: 18th century
Architect / Proj.leader: Lörinczné Dr. Szabo Tünde, Architectural Designer (Kaposvar - HU)
The Jury's citation: "For the successful re-siting of historic rural buildings araund a restored Calvinist church, creating a living 'village-museum', showing the vernacular architecture of Somogy County"
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Reconstruction of transferred original buildings. The existing Calvinist church of Szenna, a small Transdanubian village, has been restored. Around it, relics of the historical folk architectural tradition have been brought from other areas, where they had no chance of being preserved, and reconstructed.