Reg.Nr. 92/UK/078

Refurbishment of the Civic Suite at Town Hall, Newark

Restoration of the Civic Suite at Town Hall Newark, originally designed by John Carry of York in 1773 as an Assembly Room in Georgian manner, to its original condition and colour scheme, whilst providing modern amenities and services. Refurbishment and colour schemes for the ...
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Project details

Title:Refurbishment of the Civic Suite at Town Hall, Newark
Entr. year: 1992
Country: United Kingdom
Town: Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire (England)
Category type: architectural heritage
Building type/ Project type: Government/Public building
Former use:Assembly hall, Town Hall
Actual use:Assembly hall, Town Hall with modern amenities and services
Built: 18th century
Architect / Proj.leader: John Carr of York, Architect , Guy St John Taylor Associates, Architects (Newark - GB)
The Jury's citation: "For the restoration and re-decoration of an important eighteenth century Assembly Room and associated accomodation"

Restoration of the Civic Suite at Town Hall Newark, originally designed by John Carry of York in 1773 as an Assembly Room in Georgian manner, to its original condition and colour scheme, whilst providing modern amenities and services. Refurbishment and colour schemes for the Ballroom, Council Chamber, Mayor's Parlour were carefully researched. Reserach and gilding done with Lincolnshire College of Arts and Design's Conservation Department.