Reg.Nr. 84-GB/29

St. Peter's House, Bradford

Restoration of the Old Post Office, built in 1886 in the late French Renaissance style, to new regional office centre for Assurance. The Old Post with its dreadful later rear extensions has now been restored and re-altered at the rear, to create an important centre-piece to the ...
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Project details

Title:St. Peter's House, Bradford
Entr. year: 1984
Country: United Kingdom
Town: Bradford, Yorkshire (England)
Category type: architectural heritage
Building type/ Project type: Government/Public building
Former use:Post office
Actual use:Cultural centre. At time of submission the building accomodated office spaces
Built: 19th century
Architect / Proj.leader: Henry Tanner , Hadfield Cawkwell Davidson & Partners, Architects (Sheffield - GB)
The Jury's citation: "For the excellent restoration and conversion to office use of the 19th century Old Post Office, thereby improving a sensitive site near the Cathedral"

Restoration of the Old Post Office, built in 1886 in the late French Renaissance style, to new regional office centre for Assurance. The Old Post with its dreadful later rear extensions has now been restored and re-altered at the rear, to create an important centre-piece to the city. Internally the quality of the design and furnishings is superior. Repair of structure, modern installations, large open space offices were created, as much existing material as possible was re-used. The entrance hall serves as permanent exhibition area for paintings given on permanent loan from the Bradford Art Galleries and Museums.