Reg.Nr. HA-2010/NL/02

The fortifications development plan, ‘s-Hertogenbosch

The essential restoration of the decaying town walls of 's Hertogenbosch has been taken as an opportunity for new development. Essentially this concerns the improvement of the entire historic 'town edge zone'. The repair and maintenance of the fortifications was not a goal on its ...
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Project details

Title:The fortifications development plan, ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Entr. year: 2010
Country: Netherlands
Town: ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Category type: single building
Notes:Type also: group of buildings; cultural landscapes; historic parks and gardens; archeological sites; urban setting
Building type/ Project type: Military/Defence/Fortified building/system
Former use:Fortifications
Actual use:Water barrier, information center
Built: 12th-13th century
Architect / Proj.leader: ’s-Hertogenbosch City Council, Department of Engineering
The Jury's citation: "The jury was highly impressed by the complexity of the project, to restore the decaying town walls and their role of as a water barrier. And in so doing make the fortification walls more visible for the inhabitants through a new passage, made in the traditional way through the walls, an information center was built around the excavated turret and older parts of the walls. The project was exemplary prepared with historical, archeological, technical and ecological research. The jury, find the resulting exemplary and the results inspire a sequel.2
GPS:51°41'52,2"N; 5°18'13,2"E
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The essential restoration of the decaying town walls of 's Hertogenbosch has been taken as an opportunity for new development. Essentially this concerns the improvement of the entire historic 'town edge zone'. The repair and maintenance of the fortifications was not a goal on its own in this context, but led to the creation of a plan with a coherent vision about involving the opportunities, the repair of the monumental infrastructure offers with regard to cultural-historical meaning, the experience qualities, the experiential value and natural values.